Wednesday, May 28, 2014

BIF #26 - Picnic In A Box (Facebook)

Picnic BIF

You have until May 26th to get your boxes out, that is a little over 3 weeks. Obviously you can send sooner.
The minimum amount of beer to be shipped is 132 oz. More beer than that is always welcome, but not necessary. (check past BIF's on here to get an idea of the great boxes going out:,
Go with your best judgement on the meats and cheeses, think of it as what you would want to receive.

This BIF will involve some spring/summer beers that you would take on a picnic, to the beach, or hiking with you. What you will include with the your beers are some nice cheese from your area, and some local deli/artissenal meats (Do no send prepackaged meats you get at the grocery store or your local walmart.). Visit a local deli or butcher and find some nice meat products to include with your local cheese. If you would like to add bread to your box you are more than welcome, though I would rather go but a nice fresh just made this morning bread product myself for these items. You have until April 27th to decide to participate or not.

Saturday, March 1, 2014


$50 dollar box of highly sought after beer (beer that has been ISO'ed in the last 2 mos)

you don't have to stay on top of new releases. There are still ISO's for beers that are not new releases. Just make it a good box that you would want to receive, not a box that you ho hum half assed put together just to fulfill the $50 requirement. I wish this wasn't needed, I wish that I haven't had to pay out boxes to winners because people didn't ship.

If you can commit to putting together a solid box, then the rule is not an issue.
For Target:
My favorite beer styles:
Stouts / BA Stouts
Gueuze / Lambic
Hoppy APA's
Berliner Weisse

American Wild's

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

160. melliot x 4 - Arizona - Firestone Walker/ Odell

Sucaba - $17
Velvet Merkin - $16
FW XVII - $25
Abyss - $17
Woodcut #7 - $20
Friek - $15
Fernet Porter - $16
Mixed Bourbon County 4-pack - $22

= $148

I should be able do full verticals from
Burton, (9,10,11,12,13) $35
Olde School, (7,8,9,10,12,12,13) $70
WWS (8,9,10,11,13) $60

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

147. sonoma01x10 - New Glarus Apple Ale / BCBS

New Glarus Apple Ale x24
Bourbon County Stout x4


$110 (4$4)

Box #1
Evo Nouveau Rouge
EVo Natural Selection Genus #2
EVo Bourbon Barrel Dark Ale (Winter Migration) 2013
EVO Chardonnay Barrel Belgian Ale (Fall Migration)
Goose Island Bourbon County Barleywine x2

150. Tenchi221 x 9 - California - Bruery for random

Double Dose IPA
DFH Vertical/vintage


Black Tuesday
Grey Monday
Duck Duck Gooze

159. LightSaber - Minnesota - Darkness 2013 for BCBSx2 BCBCSx2

Surly Darkness 2013


 2 bcbs
and 2 coffee

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Friday, January 17, 2014

156. Pabobcat - Pennsylvania - Abyss/ Poppy/Sexual Chocolate '09-'11 For BCBBW, VIntage DFH

2011 Abyss,
2009-10-11 Sexual Chocolates, a
2011 Red Poppy(I believe?? could be 2010)


I would send them all for a couple BCBBW(2 maybe 3)

07 D'Extra, 
08 Palo Santo,
08 old school?