Monday, July 30, 2012

110. biglobo8971 - Minnesota - T-shirt/22oz bomber

sure a 22 ozer wrapped up in a tshirt. What size? I will send a Surly Syx.


Cigar City 3x (From No One Wants To See A BIF Naked BIF)
22ozer Evolution Menagerie #3 Redux

yep, I ordered your shirt from Surly already and having it delivered to your house. You have any qualms of it just being the shirt for now? With the upcoming surgery, things are pretty hectic right now.

awaiting Syx, until after surgery.....

109. shawnp - Minnesota - Surly Syx for Heady Topper

Surly Syx
Surly Coffee Bender x4


Heady x 6

Sunday, July 15, 2012

108. aandresen - Arizona - Black Tuesday '11 for DFH

I am more interested in the Palo Santo. Perhaps 1 wws and 7 '08 palo santo?


So I would have a Black Tuesday '11 and 2 Alpine Pure Hoppiness for trade.

106. glitchedmind - California - Kern River Dirty Hippie for DFH

Considering I haven't tried the newest release, it's silly for me to try the previous releases without a baseline.
That trade is good to me.

1 growler dirty hippie
1 21st
1 Immort
1 wws

105. MaltyLareau - Wisconsin - Frangelico Mountain Brown for Darkness

Founders FMB & a
4 pack of NG Unplugged Saison

Black & Blue '09
& a Black & Blue'11

I can toss in a couple WI extras as well from NG, Central Waters, Tyranena, etc.

Friday, July 13, 2012

104. TheCPJ x3 (In Person) - DFH Sams 90 for Duck Duck Goooze

Shane and I traded in person before a beer tasting at my place.

DFH 90 min 750ml (with Sams face...2007ish)


Duck Duck Gooze