Monday, October 22, 2012

126 - Jules11788 - California - Northwest stuff for DFH

Ok sounds good. So to confirm, a

Deschuettes BBXIV,
Deschuettes/Hair of the Dog Collage, 
Goliat, and
BBA Odin 


two 2010 Olde School
two D'Extras?

Monday, October 15, 2012

125. FlandersNed - Michigan - Odell #1 for Earl,

HF Earl,
Rockmill Triple,
stone chocolate cherry

for the

Odell Woodcut No. 1

Thursday, October 4, 2012

123. ObiWanKushnobi x2 - Minnesota - Wet for DFH

 Surly Wet x16


Burton baton x8
old school x1
'08 120min x2

How do you feel about 2 four packs of Wet for 2 four packs of Burton Baton and 1 bottle of 2012 Olde School, and 2 four packs of Wet for 2 bottles '08 120.

119. Lantern x2 - North Carolina - Lindley Park/Highland for Fort/120

2x Lindley,
Highland mix+


Fort and
4x 120

121. Maximumu13 - Dayton, OH, - Dark Horse for DFH

I got 12 of the Dark Horse black Bier and 4 perkulator for you.


how about for 2010 old school x5?

1ZW66R310350526590 UPS, should be there friday!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

120. Renntec99 (in person) x2 - Heady for Abyss

Heady Topper x4


2011 Abyss

122. brooklynbrewer x2 - Minnesota - Surly for DFH

8 wet
8 coffee bender
1 furious
4 fest
2 cynic
1 bitter


8 punkin
1 fjort
2 festina peche
1 immort
1 black and blue

Monday, October 1, 2012

BIF #17 - Secret Halloween - Oct 3-10

Everyone should have their target by now. As a reminder, here are the rules. Please note the original message made a mention that two of the nine beers should be fall seasonal. It should have read two of the eight beers.
8 bottles of beer. No more no less. Size of the beer is irrelevant. Focus on quality instead of quantity. No extras!! Everyone should get the same amount of beer.
· At least two of the eight beers must be a fall seasonal beer. That means either a pumpkin ale, Oktoberfest, harvest ale, etc.
· Must send some Halloween items (candy, figurines, etc)
· Must send a beer related gift (glassware, t-shirt, etc)
· Shotgun Style with shipping between October 3 and 10. This way everyone gets their beer before Halloween
I will post a hints and hauls thread in the forum. Send me your tracking number when you ship. Try and update your wants so your sender has some idea of what to send you.
Please communicate with me if you think you will ship late or there are any issues. I understand that things come up but try to at least communicate with me if you are having issues.

Atlantic Brewing
Old Dominion
Williamsburg AleWerks