Monday, December 10, 2012

BIF #21 - Secret Santa (Facebook)

Target days are

A. Package Requirements:
• BEER: Minimum 144 oz of beer, no maximum... be as generous as you like. Please do your best to focus on quality over quantity. Do some research to find out as much about what your target li

kes and also what things are already available to him / her.
• GIFT: A beer related gift, it should be something of reasonable value ($15-$25), not something that is typically given away by breweries as a freebie. T-shirts, glassware, and other schwag from breweries local to you would be most appropriate. Alternatively, if you are crafty, something beer related hand made by you is also appropriate.
• TREATS: Christmas candy or treats, again either purchased or something you make yourself are both appropriate.

BIF #20 - Secret Santa (Cuzco BA)

Target date 

A. Package Requirements:
• BEER: Minimum 144 oz of beer, no maximum... be as generous as you like. Please do your best to focus on quality over quantity. Do some research to find out as much about what your target likes and also what things are already available to him / her. Wants are always a plus! Remember, nobody wants to get a box of beer that they can run to their local bottle shop and pick up off the shelf. However, this isn't just a white whale hunt either so don't join in if you are going to be bummed you didn't get a box full of Cable Car, M, Dave and a full line up of Cantillion. (that doesn't mean you cannot send a box like that if you want ;))

• GIFT: A beer related gift, it should be something of reasonable value $25, not something that is typically given away by breweries as a freebie. (I am setting the dollar amount at $25, give or take a dollar or two so nobody feels burned that they sent out $25 worth of stuff and they get barely $15 dollars worth or stuff back.) T-shirts, glassware, and other schwag from breweries local to you would be most appropriate. Alternatively, if you are crafty, something beer related hand made by you is also appropriate. Again, think about what YOU would want to receive here. In other words don't just go grab a pint glass and some coasters to toss in the box. Put some thought into the schwag.

• TREATS: Christmas candy or treats, again either purchased or something you make yourself are both appropriate. If it pairs with a beer or two you are sending, even better! mmmmmm, candy.....

B. Participant qualification
• OVERALL: Established traders of at least 5 BIFs or at least 15 trades minimum with 4 solid references. (These References WILL be checked).

• REGULAR SHIPPING: The shipping window for all other participants will be Monday December 10 through Monday December 17th . Even if you are shipping across the continent, shipping by the 17th should ensure that everything lands by the 22nd.

D. Letters to Santa: The Letter to Santa will be a nice way to let your Santa know what you like without having to redo your entire wants list. You can explain in generalities that you like stouts or barrel aged stuff or you do not care for a style. You can also be specific if you want to as well. I want to encourage everyone to write a letter to Santa. You can post it directly to the BIF hints and hauls page page.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Bif #19 - 8 Crazy Nights BIF


A few things to remember:

- Send 8 bottles of beers that are wrapped up individually prior to 12/8 with numbers 1-8 marked on the wrapping on the bottles for what day they should open. Number 1 should obviously be the growler. The rest of the order is up to you!
- Boxes need to land by 12/5
- There isn't an oz. limit, but one bottle needs to be a growler (1st bottle)
- Please try to hit wants/as well as send beer that you would be very happy to receive yourself. Try not to send beer that your target can get in their area etc.
- Please keep it at 8 bottles only. No swag or extra bottles, so make your 8 bottles count!

Growler of Columbus Brewing Brodi DIPA

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

129. melliott2811 x3 - Arizona - Woodcut #6

Yeah, I want to try Noble Rot the most out of what we have discussed. One or two bottles would be fine. I see a lot of Troegs in your Gots. Not sure I really want whole six packs, but if that's what you get them in, that's what we will do. Optimal would be a couple each of as many different Troegs that you can find. I want to give the lady a nice sampling of the brewery.

Noble Rot x 2 $24
Troegs sampling $25


Odell Woodcut #6 $25
Odell Meddler $16
Ballast Point Victory at Sea $8

128. glitchedmind x3 - California - Kern River for Troegs

Kern River Just Outstanding x4
*Kern River Duet
*Lagunitas Daytime IPA x3
*Lagunitas Brown Sugah x3
*Bottle Cozy (Swag)

I'll send you a $30 six shipper (including 4 Just Outstandings), repack the shipper with $30 worth. Surprise me.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

BIF #18 - November - Barrel-Aged Goodness BIF

NBO: Barrel-Aged Goodness BIF

lmost everybody likes beer from a barrel, right? This one is simple: minimum of 110 oz. of Barrel-Aged beer, non specific to Oak, Bourbon, Rum, whatever. Stouts, Barleywines, Sours, anything that says in either the description or actual name of the beer says ____-aged, it’s fair game. I think that it’s pretty clear whether a beer has been barrel aged or not (I’ll include technicalities such as “aged on oak chips,” etc…)

Extras are extra, and can be non-specific

After I fill up the roster, I’ll assign targets. This MUST be wrapped up 100% before November 30th (or before Thanksgiving...), which gives you 2 full months to get this taken care of from this date. If you cannot commit to completing this by then, please don’t sign up.

Monday, October 22, 2012

126 - Jules11788 - California - Northwest stuff for DFH

Ok sounds good. So to confirm, a

Deschuettes BBXIV,
Deschuettes/Hair of the Dog Collage, 
Goliat, and
BBA Odin 


two 2010 Olde School
two D'Extras?

Monday, October 15, 2012

125. FlandersNed - Michigan - Odell #1 for Earl,

HF Earl,
Rockmill Triple,
stone chocolate cherry

for the

Odell Woodcut No. 1

Thursday, October 4, 2012

123. ObiWanKushnobi x2 - Minnesota - Wet for DFH

 Surly Wet x16


Burton baton x8
old school x1
'08 120min x2

How do you feel about 2 four packs of Wet for 2 four packs of Burton Baton and 1 bottle of 2012 Olde School, and 2 four packs of Wet for 2 bottles '08 120.

119. Lantern x2 - North Carolina - Lindley Park/Highland for Fort/120

2x Lindley,
Highland mix+


Fort and
4x 120

121. Maximumu13 - Dayton, OH, - Dark Horse for DFH

I got 12 of the Dark Horse black Bier and 4 perkulator for you.


how about for 2010 old school x5?

1ZW66R310350526590 UPS, should be there friday!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

120. Renntec99 (in person) x2 - Heady for Abyss

Heady Topper x4


2011 Abyss

122. brooklynbrewer x2 - Minnesota - Surly for DFH

8 wet
8 coffee bender
1 furious
4 fest
2 cynic
1 bitter


8 punkin
1 fjort
2 festina peche
1 immort
1 black and blue

Monday, October 1, 2012

BIF #17 - Secret Halloween - Oct 3-10

Everyone should have their target by now. As a reminder, here are the rules. Please note the original message made a mention that two of the nine beers should be fall seasonal. It should have read two of the eight beers.
8 bottles of beer. No more no less. Size of the beer is irrelevant. Focus on quality instead of quantity. No extras!! Everyone should get the same amount of beer.
· At least two of the eight beers must be a fall seasonal beer. That means either a pumpkin ale, Oktoberfest, harvest ale, etc.
· Must send some Halloween items (candy, figurines, etc)
· Must send a beer related gift (glassware, t-shirt, etc)
· Shotgun Style with shipping between October 3 and 10. This way everyone gets their beer before Halloween
I will post a hints and hauls thread in the forum. Send me your tracking number when you ship. Try and update your wants so your sender has some idea of what to send you.
Please communicate with me if you think you will ship late or there are any issues. I understand that things come up but try to at least communicate with me if you are having issues.

Atlantic Brewing
Old Dominion
Williamsburg AleWerks

Friday, September 21, 2012

124. Glitchedmind x2 - California - Kern River for DFH

Kern River Dirty Hippie x4


$30 worth of age able beer, (not drinking for 9 months)

Bottles Release 9/21/12 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

117 - valdieu2 - Maine - Maine Brewing for DFH

Zoe, Mean Old Tom, Peeper and Lunch


Bitches Brew
Evo Menagerie #3

116. MrUroza - California - Golden Road and Alesmith for DFH

wws x 5 and
120 x 2

speedway x2,
Golden Road wolf among weeds x 8,
Golden Road heff x2,
Golden Road Ipa x2.

Friday, September 14, 2012

111. GeckoPunk - Connecticut - New England/Breakfast Stout

(1 of each)

$2.75 Founders Breakfast Stout
$2.50 NE Brew Co - Sea Hag
$2.50 NE Brew Co - Elm City
$2.75 NE Brew Co - 668
$4.50 Captain Lawrence – Imperial IPA
$8.00 NE Brew Co - Friar’s Quad
$2.50 Goose Island IPA
 (Waiting for $15more in BS)


120 min
evo lot#3 ($40 total)

112. Lantern - North Carolina - kbs, parabola x2, borus for dfh

kbs, parabolax2, and boris for fort, 120x2 and some locals on my end as well?

UPS Tracking # 1Z4AR9470372533712 

Monday, September 10, 2012

115. MaltyLareau x2 - Wisconsin - New Glarus Sour for cu

I would be willing to offer up a bottle of R&D Sour Ale + some locals (New Glarus,) in exchange for the Curieux.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

114. ObiWanKushnobi - Minnesota

     4 bottles of 120 for syx and xxiv?

Holy shit man that box you sent me is amazing you have me dumb struck right now it's a box full of my favorite beers!!!! I REALLY look forward to trading with you soon! If you need anything available here in Minnesota let me know, Brau Brothers just came out with a bourbon barrel quad, Hopslam in January, and Surly Darkness comes out the end of October just to name a few if your interested.


Monday, August 27, 2012

113. jaIsPoAn - New York - DFH For Sculpin IPA

DFH Shelter Pale Ale Growler


Ballast Point Sculpin IPA Growler

107. BrooklynBrewers - Minnesota - Surly for DFH

However I am looking for the Punkin, Tweason Ale, Red and White, Black and Blue, and Fjort are the main Dogfish heads I am searching for. I do Surly, and can be your main hookup for that if you need one.

Punkin come out yet this year? Maybe we start with a small swap, a pack of punkin and tweason for a pack of furious, and another surly 4 pack of your choosing (abrasive and wet are not out yet this year). If that works we can maybe talk some bigger trades (SYX, FIVE, FOUR, Three, Darkness, Pentagram and so forth). Thanks and let me know!

Punkin x4
Tweason x4


Furious x4
Coffee Bender x4

Monday, July 30, 2012

110. biglobo8971 - Minnesota - T-shirt/22oz bomber

sure a 22 ozer wrapped up in a tshirt. What size? I will send a Surly Syx.


Cigar City 3x (From No One Wants To See A BIF Naked BIF)
22ozer Evolution Menagerie #3 Redux

yep, I ordered your shirt from Surly already and having it delivered to your house. You have any qualms of it just being the shirt for now? With the upcoming surgery, things are pretty hectic right now.

awaiting Syx, until after surgery.....

109. shawnp - Minnesota - Surly Syx for Heady Topper

Surly Syx
Surly Coffee Bender x4


Heady x 6

Sunday, July 15, 2012

108. aandresen - Arizona - Black Tuesday '11 for DFH

I am more interested in the Palo Santo. Perhaps 1 wws and 7 '08 palo santo?


So I would have a Black Tuesday '11 and 2 Alpine Pure Hoppiness for trade.

106. glitchedmind - California - Kern River Dirty Hippie for DFH

Considering I haven't tried the newest release, it's silly for me to try the previous releases without a baseline.
That trade is good to me.

1 growler dirty hippie
1 21st
1 Immort
1 wws

105. MaltyLareau - Wisconsin - Frangelico Mountain Brown for Darkness

Founders FMB & a
4 pack of NG Unplugged Saison

Black & Blue '09
& a Black & Blue'11

I can toss in a couple WI extras as well from NG, Central Waters, Tyranena, etc.

Friday, July 13, 2012

104. TheCPJ x3 (In Person) - DFH Sams 90 for Duck Duck Goooze

Shane and I traded in person before a beer tasting at my place.

DFH 90 min 750ml (with Sams face...2007ish)


Duck Duck Gooze

Thursday, June 28, 2012

103. zirkusaffe - Minnesota - Surly for DFH!

How's this:
(1) Surly Darkness 2011 $40
(1) Surly Smoke 2011 ($20)
(4)-Pak Abrasive ($20)
(4)-Pak Coffee Bender ($10)
(4)-Pak Furious ($10)
(1) of each: Bitter, Hell, Cynic, Bender) ($10)
(1) Surly hat if you want.

for 6pk Positive Contact and LP.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

101. DSho - Florida - Cigar city for 21st amendment


Saw the 21st amendment cans u sent in your box and I've been dying to try there stuff....any intrest in a .little trade? One of each of those cans for maybe a six of tocabaga...thought I saw that in your wants. Or anything else u might want. I can ship it with your discs. If not no worries

ok cool, so like 9 cans for 2 6packs

1 6pk Cigar City Jai Alai IPA
1 6pk Cigar City Tocobago Red Ale


21st Ammendment x9

Monks Blood x2

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

BIF #16 - NBO - No One Wants to see a BA Naked

there was enough interest, so lets get this going.

Final ship date will be June 25th, you can mos def ship before that date, just have it done before.

A brewery only T-shirt (just because you can buy a Budweiser t-shirt at Wal-Mart, doesnt make it a viable option)

at least 1 growler (will be flexible, if you have smaller growlers that will come close the the 64 oz's, that will work, the thought is to share some goods that are not in bottle)

at least 88 oz's of other beer, try to hit wants, but make sure you are sending beer that you would be happy receiving. I'm not going to put a grade or a number scale requirement, but be prepared to get called out if you send shitty beer.

and finally a piece of glassware, try not to send the every day pint, make it interesting. Some of my favorite pieces I have received via BIF's.

Im a tard, i left something out, was packing 2 NBO boxes the same day. I picked up 2 shirts that day. and put my brothers in your box. I will have another box on its way by the end of the week.

Sorry. BigGene, Yesterday at 9:56 AM

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

102. sonoma01 x8 - Wisconsin - New Glarus for DFH

I have:
NG Blacktop - 6 pack
NG Dancing Man - 6 pack
NG Totally Naked - 6 pack
NG Thumprint IIP - 4 pack x 2
NG Rasp. Tart x 2
NG Belgian Red x 2

$81 Total


 Urkontinent, $12
2 packs of 90 , $20
1 pack of 60, $10
raisin d'ĂȘtre? $10
festina $10
aprihop $10

Monday, April 30, 2012

BIF #15 - This is me in a box BIF

describe yourself in a box
send a box you would love to get. Send a box that represents you. Throw some schwag, some great beer, whatever makes you tick. Try to give out the best box you have ever given. That way we can keep the flow of great boxes going.

Friday, April 13, 2012

100. Zbettleman - California - Pliney for 120min

120 min x 4  $36


Piney $24
Sculpin IPA $12?

Bif #14 - Disc Golf Rd 2

It's just about that time of the year again. Disc golf should be in full swing all over the country. Last time I did this it turned out well with a lot of quality beer and discs trading hands. So here we go.

The Rules:

Must send a minimum of 144oz of beer.
1/2 of the beer you send MUST be in canned form (for ease of drunkness on the course!)
The other half is completely up to you.
No requirement to hit wants, but of course that is encouraged.
MINIMUM 3 Discs. These can be new or LIGHTLY used. Lightly being only a few times on the course. No big dings or nicks in the plastic. Try to send quality plastic (innova champion, discraft Elite Z type) Send a variety of discs if you can.

When we get enough people I will figure out a shipping window.
In the hints thread, you are encouraged to post types of discs you are looking for.

Window is late April

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

88. gkunkle x4 - Oegeron - DFH for Portland, OR

 faithfull ale
120 min
Palo Santo Marron
Indian Brown Ale
Nugget Nectar

I've got an
fresh hop mirror pond
hotd doggie claws 

And I don't know what you have for me, but I think I've found my sweet spot for styles. I dig saison/ farmhouse, barleywine, IPA/DIPA, German styles...

I think I'll just never have an appreciation for stouts, quads, BSDAs, so they're probably wasted on me.

-I think i've also got a Pelican red ale of some sort, and a deschutes obsidian stout... something else, i'll look in my box when I get home. You wanted a chainbreaker also, but I haven't seen it yet.

I think you also had a 75 minute for me. And you can probably forget the palo santo marron, i found my old notes for it. Do you get smuttynose finest kind IPA?

Sunday, February 26, 2012

94. sonoma01 x7 - Wisconsin - New Glarus for DFH

Raspberry Tart x 2 ($18)
> > Belgian Red x 2 ($18)
> > Road Slush x 6 ($8)
> > Hop Hearty x 6 ($8)
> > Cabin Fever x 6 ($8)
> > Thumbprint Barleywine x 4 ($10)
> >
> > Total of $70

noble rot
Evo Fall 2011

Other than those I am open to any other good beers  that you recommend. I would like to try some more wilds and barrel aged beers from the east.

I could ship out around the middle of next week. Nugget nectar would be great. I would like to skip on the Tweason though. I received some as an extra in a box I received last week and don't care for it. Maybe a sizer of Nugget Nectar? Otherwise what ever you make up is good with me. I trust your judgement.